How a Typical Business Valuation is Performed
The main reason you need to hire an experienced business broker Irwindale is so that he can help with business valuation. At So-Cal Business brokers we believe we have the best team for the job in Los Angles. This is thanks to our more than 20 years of experience selling businesses just like yours. The grand beauty is that we will not charge you for business valuation, market review or packaging. We only get paid when you get paid. With that in mind, let’s take a look at a typical business valuation process.
The purpose of a business valuation is to help compile a business valuation report. The report helps the buyer identify the interest of an owner in a business. It considers the business as a whole by analyzing the operations, financials, sales as well as marketing practices as well as other related activities. Different valuation methods are used for different business. Contact us now for a free consultation with our experienced business brokers Irwindale. We are always happy to answer any question you may have.
How valuation works
The first step is for you to reach out to us. The valuation starts with a visual inspection of your property as well as inventory checks. Thereafter we proceed with a thorough evaluation. We require you to gather documents and information that will be used in compiling the report.
Information in the valuation report
Once the business valuation report is completed, it will list the business’ legal type and ownership structure. This will include the owners and every owner’s percentage of ownership. Resumes and contracts for top executives and company owners will be included. Calculation of the monthly payroll data with the total number of employees will also be included.
Our business broker Irwindale will also require info on the employee benefit plans as well as costs. We also need a listing of the business; advisers such as CPAs, attorneys, consultants and any other retainers or contracts. We will also need history of your business so as to value its viability, liquidity and solvency. This is important when your business has stocks or shares or if the business has multiple owners.
The business valuation report contains a lot of details including the business financial statement, common adjustments made to income statements and a review of your place in the industry. Our team at So-Cal Business Brokers is happy to give you a detailed business valuation report free of charge. Reach out to us to take advantage of our free valuation.