

Barry G. Evans Background

Business Philosophy

As the founder and co-founder of So-Cal Business Brokers we are ‘hands on’ with the handling of every transaction. While we have a small administrative support staff and occasionally use outside consultants, being ‘hands on’ from inception to a closed transaction is not only appreciated by clients but it gives us the peace of mind of knowing with certainty that things are being done correctly and on time with the client’s best interests as our sole focus.


  • University of Washington, B/A Business & Finance
  • Wharton School of Finance various specialized studies
  • New York Institute of Finance various specialized studies

Career Involvements

  • Founded, built and managed a manufacturer’s rep firm after college
  • Stockbroker with the 5th largest member of the NYSE
  • Office Manager; then Regional Manager overseeing 5 stockbrokerage offices (100+ employees)
  • Founder/CEO of firm forming investment groups investing in CA income producing real estate.
  • Retired at age 40
  • Flunked retirement after 12 years
  • Handled, via equity participation, Sales/Marketing of $100 million new Southern California resort
  • General Partner and majority owner and developer of $200 million Central Oregon destination resort
  • Again flunked retirement
  • Ownership of and active as Business Broker since 1992
  • Board Member of a number of West Coast businesses
  • Google+


TYLER B. EVANS Background

Business Philosophy

While I have not personally owned and managed a business I have grown up in a family that has owned several businesses and over the years I have had the opportunity to work with and spend time with the partners and managers who have run those businesses.  Most recently that has involved four different family businesses with aggregate revenues over $40 million.  While not ‘hands on‘ I have learned a great deal about business in conjunction with my college education, and I thoroughly enjoy the process of valuing and selling businesses.


  • B/A Harvard University
  • Business Analytics Specialization: Wharton School of Finance


  • Eagle Scout
  • 2 weeks in Kenya on a charitable mission
  • Big Brother mentorship program during college
  • CA licensed for business brokerage
  • Bought my first rental property age 23
  • Partner in So-CalBusinessBrokers.com with my father